
Laksamana College of Business

Roof Top, Plaza Abdul Razak Jalan Laksamana Abdul Razak Km 2 Jalan Tutong, Bandar Seri Begawan BA 1712, Negara Brunei Darussalam
Contact Person : 
Phone Number : +673 223 8816/18


We are a forward-thinking higher education institution aiming to prepare our students for a quickly-changing world. We equip our students with 21st Century skills, critical thinking skills, global perspective, and respect for core Brunei values of honesty, integrity, loyalty, and compassion. Developing these skills is at the heart of the education we offer. Students will have success for today and be prepared for tomorrow.

We desire to create an educational atmosphere that students will love being around. Our programs are intended to empower students to tackle challenges and take on experiences that may be new to them. At Laksamana College of Business, we are constantly striving to make learning fun and dynamic so that all of our students can accomplish their goals.


higher education institution , educational equipment , COURSES , culinary school

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