
Ecove Environment Corporation

5F, No. 132, Xing Shan Road, Neihu District, Taipei City 114, Taiwan
Contact Person : 
Phone Number : +886-2-2162-1689


ECOVE (TPEx: 6803) — an affiliate of CTCI, a global engineering services provider — is an environmental services provider specializing in Energy-from-Waste (EfW), waste management, wastewater recycling, solar power and PET recycling. Founded in the midst of Taiwan’s waste crisis in 1994, we quickly became a leader in effective waste management and resource recovery. With our main focus on recovering more value from otherwise wasted resources, we have continuously increased efficiency across our EfW, solar power, and recycling plants. Public and private entities in Taiwan, Macau, mainland China, Southeast Asia, India and the United States have trusted ECOVE for environmental services in operations and maintenance, consulting, and investment and development.


Energy-from-Waste , waste management, wastewater recycling, solar power and PET recycling

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TEL : (+886) 03-323-9284
Address:No. 198, Lane. 861, Fuguo Rd., Taoyuan Dist., Taoyuan City 330, Taiwan (R.O.C.)