
Formosa Optical

No.97, New Taipei City, Xizhi District, Section 1, Xintaiwu Road, , Taiwan R.O.C.
Contact Person : 
Phone Number : +886-2-2697-2886


In January, the headquarter uploaded all the documents online, reducing paper using.
In April, the headquarter was renovated.
In July, General Manager Cai Guo-bin was promoted to be the President, while Vice President Lin Jun-Xiong was promoted to be General Manager.
Michelle Chen spoke for TRAVEL FOX series, campaigning the idea that "it is not difficult to have a pair of good spectacles, but it is not easy to have one to match your style."
Formosa Optical suggests the consumers to have a spare pair of spectacles. Singer Jason Wang spoke for Essilor broadband lenses.
Formosa Optical held 2012 Formosa Optical Cares with Ministry of the Interior, donating 2000 pairs of spectacles to Social and Family Affairs Administration, Ministry of the Interior to help underprivileged students.
A certificate of appreciation was received for supporting "Charity Medical Service" in Mailiao Elementary School, Yunlin.
Formosa Optical assisted Chiayi Chang Gung Memorial Hospital with medical service in Dawu Township, Taitung County, providing free eye inspection.
Roy Chiu spoke for SANTA BARBARA POLO series, promoting the idea of having more than one pair of spectacles: "one should have different spectacles for different occasions."
Jason Wang spoke for whole vision, ASAHI-LITE blue light filtering lenses.
Formosa Optical assisted Chiayi Chang Gung Memorial Hospital with medical service in Chishang Township, Taitung County, providing free eye inspection.
Formosa Optical held 2013 Formosa Optical Cares with Ministry of the Interior, donating 2000 pairs of spectacles to Ministry of Health and Welfare to help underprivileged students.


Formosa Optical

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TEL : (+886) 03-323-9284
Address:No. 198, Lane. 861, Fuguo Rd., Taoyuan Dist., Taoyuan City 330, Taiwan (R.O.C.)