
Gold Delta Rice Specialization Company (GDRS)

#01, Kanaung Minthar Gyi Street, Shwe Lin Pan Industrial Zone, Hlaing Thar Yar Township,Yangon, Myanmar.
Contact Person : 
Phone Number : 95-1-617229


Gold Delta Rice Specialization Company (GDRS) is one of the leading Rice Specialization Companies in Myanmar. It is actively implementation large scale Contract Farming Programs by placing a special emphasis on sustainable agriculture and development of supply chains - optimizing the productivity and modern production techniques.

Gold Delta is regarded as a pioneer in private sector’s involvement in providing the pure seeds to farmers along with other necessary farm inputs there by promoting the welfare and socio-economic well-beings of rural farmers in Danubyu Township, Ayeyarwady Region in Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

Our vision is to sustain our leading position and steadfastly improve Quality Driven Rice Supply Chain in Myanmar and to fulfill global food demands by exporting the surplus rice.

As a Rice specialization company, to improve each & every stages of the whole Supply Chain Mechanism process with systematic management in Agricultural Sector while transforming to public company from private company. We strive to exceed our customers expectation in quality and maximize Shareholder value - through excellence manufacturing practices in the products, to promote the living standard of rural- farmers and to upgrade their agricultural knowledge.

The integral objectives for formation of Gold Delta and Peacock Banner are to realize the agricultural potentials in more optimized , effective, efficient and sustainable ways which can bring benefit and prosperity to shareholders and stakeholders; to positive contribute to rural development in general and agricultural development in particular.
To develop and sustain agribusiness activities so as to ensure prosperity for all shareholder and stakeholders in the interests of national food security and rapid economic development.
To implement private sector-led development in agriculture and agro-based industries.



Agricultural Products , rise

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